Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Don't take for Granted God's Creation

Yesterday I took a walk in the park. It was very relaxing and beautiful. It really opened up my eyes to the wonder and beauty of God’s creation. I think so many times I take for granted the creation of God all around me. For example last night I set out walking around 7:30. The sun was setting and the beams were shining through the trees. It was picturesque. As I kept walking I started to see little green lights start flashing all over in the woods and the fields. There had to be thousands of little fireflies. They were doing their side to side dance in the air flashing their lights periodically to their own rhythm. It was awesome. It amazes me how a bug or anything can emit light from them, like some of the fish in the deep ocean or the simple firefly. As I got to the end of the path I sat and listened all around me to the sounds, there were birds singing beautiful songs, crickets chirping, and squirrels chasing each other in the trees. When I opened my eyes I saw a Cardinal and his lover. They were chirping at each other as if they were fighting. They must have been because in a second the female flew off and the male quickly followed as if to go apologize for making her upset by probably saying the wrong thing. I started my walk back to the house when out of the corner of my eye I saw a deer. She was walking out of the woods into a great meadow. She locked eyes with me and just stared for a few seconds. She then turned to go back into the woods. It was an amazing sight.

The walk was full of things I didn’t expect to see. As I was walking I closed my eyes and tried to stay on the path. It was hard to keep my orientation. I thanked God for my sight and my hearing and as I smelled the honey suckles I thanked him for my sense of smell. All of these things I take for granted.

I write all of this to say we shouldn’t take for granted God’s creation and our bodies. It is all a gift from God. God created you the way you are and yes we all have problems and things in our lives we wish weren’t the way they are but God is good and mighty and incredible. His creation sings his praises. His creation finds wonder in their Father and Creator because of how unexplainable and complex his creation is.

Take some time this week to take a walk and enjoy God’s creation. Don’t take for granted one second of your life for every one is a gift. Take a deep breath and thank God for the air. Close your eyes then open them and thank him for your sight. Take a walk and thank him for your feet. Don’t take for granted his creation. Take it in and thank him for his beauty and creative nature and take a tip from the creator and create something yourself. We were created to create. We were created to love and we were created to worship the creator. I hope this has encouraged you as much as it has encouraged me writing it. Have a great week!


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