Monday, May 28, 2007

Captain Resurrection

A Blind friend of mine said it right...

Jesus has a lot of names but this one I had never heard "Captain Resurrection!" But it is so true. He is the Captain of Resurrection. He is Resurrection.

In this world there is much suffering, bitterness, anger, hatred, and death. But it is Jesus the Son of God who wipes all of that away. He is the Captain of Relief, the Captain of Sweetness, the Captain of Calm, the Captain of Love and the Captain of Life.

When Jesus was raised from the dead He was saying to the world... "Death is over! All things are now being made new and you have a chance to be made new too, it's up to you." So what will you do? Will you choose to live a life in this world pursuing all the things and heartbreaks that this world has to offer, or will you choose to live a life that is full of the Spirit and alive with Captain Resurrection himself at your side.
We all have a choice. Even Jesus had a choice, "Do I die and live or do I live and not really live?" That's the same question that we have to ask ourselves. The hard part has been done. Christ died so that we may have life and have it to the full now it is our decision to take on his life and become fully resurrected ourselves into a new life in Christ.

This life will have troubles and suffering and yes eventually even death but if we have already died once in Christ we have no fear. We will have joy in our sufferings and our trials because we know the one who has gone before and endured much worse than we could ever endure.

Take his hand and follow his steps. You won't be disappointed.

- Ky

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